Monday 6 July 2015

Pregnancy: Signs that tell you Labour is near.

How do I know it's time for labour? Read the below!
When will it happen? How will it feel? How long will it take? And, commonly: How will I know it’s time?
It’s hard to predict the answers to those first three questions, since every birth is different.
But for number four, we can help. There are some clear labor signs to watch for.
So sit back and relax as we educate you on 10 signs that labour is near.
- Your baby “drops”
A few weeks before labour begins, your baby will start to descend into your pelvis (for first- time mamas; in future births, this “lightening” doesn’t usually happen until you’re truly in labour). Your baby is getting into position to make his exit: head down and low. Yes, you might feel you’re waddling even more than you have been up until this point — and you may be back to taking very frequent bathroom breaks like you did way back in your first trimester, because baby’s head is pushing down on your bladder too. But the good news is you have a little more breathing room, since baby is moving away from your lungs.
- Your cervix dilates
Your cervix, too, is starting to prepare for birth: It starts to dilate (open) and to efface (thin out) in the days or weeks before you deliver. At your weekly check-ups, your provider may measure and track dilation and effacement via an internal exam. But everyone progresses differently, so don’t be discouraged if you’re dilating slowly (or not at all yet).
- You feel more cramps and increased back pain.
Especially if this is not your first pregnancy, you may feel some crampiness and pain in your groin and lower back as labor nears.
Your muscles and joints are stretching and shifting in preparation for birth.
- Your joints feel looser
Throughout your pregnancy, the hormone relaxin has made all of your ligaments soften and loosen (it’s also responsible for your bouts of clumsiness this past trimester).
Before you go into labour, you may notice your joints all over your body feel a bit looser.
Relax — it’s just nature’s way of opening up your pelvis for your little passenger to make his or her way into the world.
- You have diarrhea
Just as the muscles in your uterus are relaxing in preparation for birth, so are other muscles in your body — including those in our rectum. That can lead to loose bowel movements. Though annoying, this is normal; stay hydrated and remember it’s a good sign!
- You stop gaining weight (or lose pounds).
Weight gain tends to level off at the very end of pregnancy. Some mothers-to-be even lose a couple of kilograms! This is normal and won’t affect your baby’s birth-weight. He’s still gaining, but you’re losing due to lower levels of amniotic fluid, more potty breaks (see #1 and #8 on this list), and even increased activity (see #7).
- You feel extra-tired …or you have an urge to Rest.
Wait a minute, is this the third trimester or the first? Between the active bladder and the exhaustion, sometimes you can feel like you’ve traveled backwards in time. That super-size belly, along with the heavy bladder, can make it hard (even impossible) to get a good night’s sleep during the last days and weeks of pregnancy. Pile on those pillows and take naps during the day if you possibly can! That is, unless you’re feeling the opposite of fatigued: Some Mamalettes get a burst of energy as birth-day nears, and can’t resist the compelling urge to clean and organize everything in sight. That’s okay, as long as you don’t overdo it!
- Your vaginal discharge changes colour and consistency.
In the last days before labour you’ll notice an increased and/or thickened vaginal discharge.
You may also notice the loss of your mucous plug — the cork sealing off your uterus from the outside world. It can come out in one large piece (it looks similar to the mucous you have in your nose, but with faint streaks of blood) or lots of little ones (though you may not notice it at all if you’re the flush-and-run type). This thickened, pinkish discharge is also called the bloody show and is a good indication that labour is imminent (though without labor contractions or dilation of three to four centimeters, labour could still be a few days away!).
- You feel stronger, more frequent
Contractions are an early sign of active labour — except when they aren’t. You can experience Braxton-Hicks contractions for weeks and even months before delivery. You’ll feel their pinch as the muscles in your uterus tighten in preparation for their big moment (pushing that baby out!). How can you tell the difference between real and false labor contractions? Look for these signs of real labour:
* If you’re active, contractions get stronger instead of easing up

* If you change position, contractions don’t go away

*The contraction pain starts in your lower back and moves to your lower abdomen, and possibly your legs
Contractions progress: They get more frequent and more painful, and sometimes fall into a regular pattern
- Your water breaks
While movies would have you think you’ll learn you’re in labor only when your water breaks (of course in the middle of a romantic dinner date at a busy restaurant), that’s a very unlikely scenario. It’s actually one of the final signs of labour most women notice — and it happens in less than 15% of births. So don’t count on it as your only labour sign!
Still feel like you won’t know when to
announce “It’s time!” and get ready to meet your baby? Try not to stress about it. You’ll be seeing your doctor or midwife frequently now, and she’ll help you spot all the important signs.
Source: Mamalette
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