Saturday 11 July 2015

How to get rid of stretch marks naturally

Stretch marks are caused due to two main
reasons – pregnancy and sudden dramatic
weight loss or gain. However you don’t have
to feel miserable now because we will be
introducing you to some of the most effective
home remedies to get rid of these stretch
marks naturally.
Let’s explore several ways to eliminate or
reduce stretch marks without seeking
medical intervention.
Cacao Butter
You should apply cacao butter on the stretch
mark area of your skin. Many people have
tried this application and have seen good
results. It is a well known household
technique practiced by many. stretches. You will
see the results quickly if you apply it on the
stretch marks at least thrice a day at regular
Try Olive Oil
Olive oil seems to produce desired results as
it is rich in Vitamin A, D and K. Apply olive
oil on the stretch marks once in a day daily
to see its positive effects.
Lemon Juice
You need to rub the lemon juice very gently
onto the stretch marks. Let the juice remain
on the mark for at least ten minutes before
you rinse it with warm water. Lemon Juice is
known to be naturally acidic which heals
stretch marks comprehensively.
Stretch mark creams
There are many stretch mark creams
available in the market, but unfortunately
very few of them really stick to their claims.
Don’t lose hope; instead you can give a try to
dermology stretch mark cream. Buying a
stretch mark prevention cream and applying
it on the stretch marks should help you in
eliminating those marks.
Don’t believe in any claims that the
manufacturer of stretch mark cream makes;
instead try those creams and see for yourself
whether it works or not.
Sugar effect
It is unbelievable to see the results that
white sugar produces if mixed with almond
oil and lemon juice. Apply the mixture onto
the stretch marks. Rub the mixture for at
least ten minutes before heading for a
shower. Follow this practice for a month and
you will see a considerable change in your
stretch marks.
Exercise daily
Follow a regular exercise regime to erase
stretch marks completely. Exercising will
help you keep your muscles toned and firm,
thereby, erasing and preventing stretch
marks, respectively. Practice Yoga and do
more of cardio to see the effects.
An item present in every kitchen - potatoes
are extremely beneficial in treating stretch
marks by stimulating new skin cell
formation. Rub thick slices of the vegetable
to ensure that the juice penetrates skin
Besides using oils, sugar and lemon juice, try
applying a reliable stretch mark cream as
well. Do a good research on many stretch
mark creams that are available in the
You should now have the knowledge of
several home remedies that would work
wonderfully well on your stretch marks.
These practices have been followed by many
others and it worked for them and it will
work for you too.

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