Monday 6 July 2015

Few steps to combat Body Odour.

I have seen people with this stuff, It is very embarrassing. Perhaps you are one of them suffering from this uncoverable-ailment. Do some of the listed.
- Watch what you eat
Certain foods have the potential to make our sweat more pungent. A diet high in the red meat increases body odor as does curry, garlic, and other spicy foods. “We don't fully digest garlic, curry and onions so they leave the pores with the sweat and create a strong smell,” explains Debra Jaliman, MD, author of Skin Rules: Trade Secrets from a Top New York Dermatologist.
- Shave your underarms
If you have a lot of hair under your arms, it slows the evaporation of sweat so that you have more bacteria. (If your crotch area is a problem, consider waxing. And take pit stops, meaning, if you exercise a lot or sweat a lot, wash under your arms a few times a day and change clothing.
- Wear breathable clothing
Natural fibers (linen, silk, cotton, light
wool like merino) can breathe and
decrease sweating. Also some of the high-tech fibers wick away moisture. Many exercise clothing now offer high-tech fabric that wicks away moisture from the body, so bacteria doesn’t have a chance to get at the sweat. (Clothing tags will identify them.) Dressing in layers also helps soak up the sweat.
- Use antiperspirant and deodorant
An antiperspirant blocks the sweating action while deodorants have fragrance to mask the smell. Deodorants also make the skin more acidic, making it less hospitable for bacteria. If a regular product doesn’t work for you, try a stronger over-the counter antiperspirant.
- Apply twice
Studies have shown that applying
deodorant in the morning on dry skin and at night before bed makes a big difference.
Night-time application allows the
ingredients to get into the sweat glands and clog them, as opposed to the morning, when sweat glands may already be full.
- Bath Twice daily
- Avoid wearing really really dark clothes.
- Change shoes often
If foot odor is your problem, give shoes a chance to dry inside by changing them often. Dust them and your feet with foot powder to maintain dryness.
Share to your social networks if this orientate you. 

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