Contact Us

Contact us via or +2348134654002
There are many reasons why you would want to contact us. One of which is teling us topics to talk about, for instance if you are sick and you were diagnosed Epilepsy, since you were diagnosed of this formidable diseases, you would surely want to know more about this disease right?. so thats where the contacting comes in. You email us the disease
 e.g Gooday, i was diagnosed of epilepsy abd i want Tbthealth to orientate me more about it. If its your kid, you speculate and also make sure you speculate the age.

Another reason you might want to contact us is to ask for our advert rates. Well, thats one of it. We reply emails latest; 2 hours to the time the email was sent, and early; 5 minutes after the email was sent.

If there are also complaints about our blog, its topics, its design, its comments or whatever. Our ears are wide open.

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