Sunday 26 July 2015

What to Avoid During Pregnancy

While moms-to-be are peppered with advice of what to do and what not to do during pregnancy, there is some guidance.

The American Academy of Family Physicians suggests :
-Avoid smoking and drug use during pregnancy ; this will reduce the risk of serious complications.
-Avoid alcohol during pregnancy to protect the baby from foetal alcohol syndrome, and other birth defects.
-Have someone else clean out your cat's litter box to  avoid toxoplasmosis.
-Cook meat properly to prevent food related illnesses.
-Stay away from hot rubs, saunas and other sources of high heat.
-Avoid douching 

Friday 24 July 2015

Red Meat [suya] Shortens Lifespan - Experts

We've heard many times before that too much red meat is bad for us, but this study if more than 100,000 people still got the nation's attention. For the first time, researchers estimated the effect of red meat on a person's life span - and the news wasn't Good. 

On average, each additional serving of  saturated fat-filled red meat was associated with a  13% higher risk of dying during 28-year study. Processed meat products such as hot dogs, bacon, and salami were especially hazardous. But is there is an antidote available? Yes! Eating more fish, poultry, whole grains, and low-fat dairy may lower your risk of dying prematurely, scientific research has found. 

Saturday 11 July 2015

5 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

Do you struggle with high blood pressure?
Millions of people do worldwide, and the
condition can dramatically raise your risk of
heart disease, stroke, and other potentially
life-threatening ailments. But while there’s
no substitute for medical treatment, there
are things you can do improve your
situation. Whether medication isn’t enough
or you’re just curious about alternative
methods, here are 5 natural ways to help you
lower your blood pressure.
Take the Stairs
We all know the huge benefits of regular
exercise, but for people who suffer from
high blood pressure, introducing a daily
exercise regimen can be especially
The good news is that the benefits from even
a small amount of exercise can have
significant effects on lowering blood
pressure. Even 10 minutes of light physical
activity can help decrease excess pressure
and/or amplify the effect of blood pressure
medications. If you can push that activity to
30 minutes every day, then you can
potentially lower your pressure by 4 to 9
millimeters of mercury! So, when you’re
facing that elevator or debating pulling into
the closest parking spot, think again! Those
small minutes of exercise may add up to a
healthier you.
Pick Up a Banana
The importance of a healthy diet cannot be
underestimated. If there was ever a reason
to eat better, controlling your blood pressure
is it. In addition to eating many dark leafy
greens and foods low in saturated fat, adding
a hearty portion of potassium to your diet
can be your savory ticket to low blood
Potassium works to lower the pressure by
balancing out the harmful effects of salt –
the excess of which is one of the leading
causes of this dangerous condition. Foods
high in potassium include potatoes, squash,
avocados, fish, yogurt, and – you guessed it –
Add some potassium to your diet for a potent
hit against high blood pressure. Extra points
for lugging a bag of bananas or potatoes up
the stairs.
Swap out the Regular Joe for Half-Caff
If you think that last cup of coffee at 10 am
doesn’t hurt you, think again. Caffeine can
cause a 4 mmhg jump in your blood pressure
that lasts right up to bedtime.
The good news is that half-caff or decaf
options taste pretty good these days.
Everywhere from grocery brands, like
Folgers, to higher-end vendors, like
Starbucks, offer tasty, less-caffeinated
versions of their most popular drinks. Swap
out your regular cup of Joe for the half-caff
version and you still get all the great flavor
without aggravating your body.
Have that Nightcap
Studies have shown that a small amount of
alcohol, defined as 1 drink a day for women
and 1.5 for men, can actually decrease your
blood pressure. One study, at Brigham and
Women’s Hospital in Boston, even found that
the adding one drink to your day, even if
that’s more than you’re accustomed to, can
have the same health benefit.
Of course, moderation is the key. Drinking 5
drinks in one sitting isn’t going to make it 5
times more effective. Likewise, skipping the
drinks throughout the week and having
them all at once on Saturday night can be
extremely detrimental to your health. But, a
single drink, defined as one 12 ounce beer, a
5 ounce glass of wine, or 1.5 ounces of spirit,
can be an easy, natural way to lower your
blood pressure. Add to that that this same
regimen can help control the risk of heart
disease and it’s a no brainer. Have that
Your body under the effects of stress is a
tremendous thing: the central nervous
system floods the body with adrenaline and
other hormones; the heart rate spikes,
muscles clench, breathing quickens, and, of
course, blood pressure rises.
If you are going through this every day in
response to work, family, and other of life’s
common stressors, you are quickly wearing
out your body and exacerbating your blood
pressure condition. Taking time for yourself
to slow down, unwind, and relax might be
just the thing that tips your blood pressure in
the right direction.
So, after that half-caff drinking day at the
office and the adventure of lugging bananas
up the stairs, relax with that nightcap and
call yourself an au-naturel champ the Blood-
Pressure Lowering game.

How to get rid of stretch marks naturally

Stretch marks are caused due to two main
reasons – pregnancy and sudden dramatic
weight loss or gain. However you don’t have
to feel miserable now because we will be
introducing you to some of the most effective
home remedies to get rid of these stretch
marks naturally.
Let’s explore several ways to eliminate or
reduce stretch marks without seeking
medical intervention.
Cacao Butter
You should apply cacao butter on the stretch
mark area of your skin. Many people have
tried this application and have seen good
results. It is a well known household
technique practiced by many. stretches. You will
see the results quickly if you apply it on the
stretch marks at least thrice a day at regular
Try Olive Oil
Olive oil seems to produce desired results as
it is rich in Vitamin A, D and K. Apply olive
oil on the stretch marks once in a day daily
to see its positive effects.
Lemon Juice
You need to rub the lemon juice very gently
onto the stretch marks. Let the juice remain
on the mark for at least ten minutes before
you rinse it with warm water. Lemon Juice is
known to be naturally acidic which heals
stretch marks comprehensively.
Stretch mark creams
There are many stretch mark creams
available in the market, but unfortunately
very few of them really stick to their claims.
Don’t lose hope; instead you can give a try to
dermology stretch mark cream. Buying a
stretch mark prevention cream and applying
it on the stretch marks should help you in
eliminating those marks.
Don’t believe in any claims that the
manufacturer of stretch mark cream makes;
instead try those creams and see for yourself
whether it works or not.
Sugar effect
It is unbelievable to see the results that
white sugar produces if mixed with almond
oil and lemon juice. Apply the mixture onto
the stretch marks. Rub the mixture for at
least ten minutes before heading for a
shower. Follow this practice for a month and
you will see a considerable change in your
stretch marks.
Exercise daily
Follow a regular exercise regime to erase
stretch marks completely. Exercising will
help you keep your muscles toned and firm,
thereby, erasing and preventing stretch
marks, respectively. Practice Yoga and do
more of cardio to see the effects.
An item present in every kitchen - potatoes
are extremely beneficial in treating stretch
marks by stimulating new skin cell
formation. Rub thick slices of the vegetable
to ensure that the juice penetrates skin
Besides using oils, sugar and lemon juice, try
applying a reliable stretch mark cream as
well. Do a good research on many stretch
mark creams that are available in the
You should now have the knowledge of
several home remedies that would work
wonderfully well on your stretch marks.
These practices have been followed by many
others and it worked for them and it will
work for you too.

Awesome reasons why you should take Green Tea so often

What Green tea can do to your body.Green tea can: 
- Bring down your heart disease and cancer risk. Green tea's powerful antioxidants have been found to reduce lung cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, stroke and heart attack 
risks. To add an extra boost, squeeze in a lemon — the vitamin C helps your body absorb more of the antioxidants. 
- Lower your cholesterol and blood pressure.
Three cups a day gives you the antioxidants you need to bring down these numbers. 
- Help you lose weight faster. Drink a cup before your workout and you might boost your fat burn. Studies suggest that the caffeine frees fatty acids so you can burn fat more easily. The tea's antioxidants might also work together with the caffeine 
to help you burn more calories. 
- Prevent arthritis. Imbibing green tea daily might help keep your joints healthy, preliminary research suggests. 
- Keep allergies at bay. Japanese researchers found that the compound EGCG (the same one that might fight hepatitis C ) found in green tea may help stop your body from reacting to allergens like pollen, pet dander and dust. 
So, now put on your cooker, with your kettle and boil some green tea. *Wink

Friday 10 July 2015

How to Get a Healthier Teeth Naturally

Your oral health affects 90 percent of your
overall health. The mouth is like a
barometer. It can pick up and show signs of
health issues before they reach any part of
your body. For holistic dentists, taking care
of your teeth is the same as taking care of
your entire body. There are health issues,
like cardiovascular, inflammation, and
immune system issues that can be prevented
if detected earlier through checking the
condition of your teeth.
Oral health is linked to the overall health of
the body, which means the fast rate of tooth
decay means deeper nutritional problems.
For example, gum disease goes beyond the
mouth because it is an active bacterial
infection that can go throughout your body
via the bloodstream. The plaque deposits in
the gum disease are the same plaques that
are found in the arterial walls of people
suffering from heart diseases. If you have
gum diseases, you are at higher risks to
stroke, heart diseases , fatal coronary heart
diseases, preterm birth, oral cancer,
diabetes, arthritis, pneumonia aspiration.
This is why it is very important to support
teeth health with nutrition. Support your
oral health from the inside with quality
nutrition. You should also keep your mouth
healthy on a superficial level using quality
health products.
1. Be Careful What You Put In Your Mouth
To keep your teeth healthy, you should avoid
sugary foods and drinks. This is common
sense since most people know that sugar can
lead to cavities and plaques. Most sugary
products you take are filled with corn syrup,
which coats the teeth and decays your teeth
faster by sticking in the crevices and cracks.
This is why sugary foods and drinks are
difficult to remove from your teeth. You
should also avoid foods that are rich in phytic
acids, like grains and beans. Finally, it would
be best to eat a lot of healthy fats. Some of the
best options for healthy fats are coconut oil
and fermented cod liver oil daily. You should
also drink plenty of water because it can
flush out the toxins in your body. Instead of
drinking those sugary drinks, it is better to
just replace them with water.
2. Brush Your Teeth up to Two to Three
How long does it take you to brush your
teeth? Did you know that the time you spend
brushing your teeth can affect your oral
health? Yes, you may have avoided the foods
that are unhealthy to your teeth, but you only
brush for 30 seconds, and then you still won’t
have a great oral health. Plaque build-up, the
occurrence of gum diseases, and the pile up
of cavities can be significantly reduced with a
consistent oral regimen, which is brushing
your teeth twice a day for two to three
minutes. You don’t have to spend so much
time and money in going to the dentist or
buying expensive products just for healthier
teeth. You can simply brush your teeth
properly on a consistent basis.
3. Flossing Daily for Better Teeth
Flossing may not rid your mouth of bacteria,
but it can remove those little bits of food stuck
in the crevices of your teeth. But if you use
floss with an oral irrigator, you can clean
those hard to reach places and even remove
bacteria, food debris, and germs.
4. Your Mouth Should Have a Balanced PH
A low PH is an acidic environment, which is a
breeding ground for bacteria. If your mouth
has a low PH, it may be at risk for various
gum diseases. You can keep your mouth’s PH
at a balanced level by eating whole food for
your diet regimen. Maintaining a balanced PH
for your mouth is as easy as eating plenty of
fruits and vegetables.
5. Stay Away From Fluoride
Fluoride is in your mouth rinses, toothpaste,
and even water, but it doesn’t necessarily
mean it’s good for you. If you take in too
much fluoride, you are at higher risk for
nausea, diarrhea, headaches, muscular
weakness, arthritis & joint pain, cancer, and
6. Supplements that Can Boost Oral Health
You can increase the mineral level with
supplements to boost your oral health. Some
of the major supplements that can efficiently
improve your oral health are fermented cod
liver oil, Vitamin D. Coconut oil, Magnesium,
Gelatin, and Vitamin C.

Thursday 9 July 2015

Other foods that boost eye health

This isn't repetition of topics ooh! The other post which said on foods that improves eye health is different from this, but both are essential, and moreover my eyes aren't so good this days. so, we orientating each other. * Wink.
Continue reading....
- Berries. Antioxidant-rich foods help to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, and berries are some of the best sources of antioxidants, Dr. Maturi says. Berries are nutrient-rich with few excess calories and sugar. Red, blue, and purple berries (and other plants) are good sources of water-soluble antioxidants, which can help protect against eye damage .
- Kale. This leafy green is rich in both lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that are concentrated in the macula of your eye and help absorb harmful high-energy light waves. "These
antioxidants protect against eye damage from things like sunlight, cigarette smoke, and air pollution," Ficek says.
- Cooked spinach. "Spinach is chock-full of lutein, zeaxanthin, and vitamin E — all of which are good for eye health," says Neal G. Malik, RD, a dietitian with the University of California, Riverside.
- Foods rich in vitamin C . "Vitamin C is a top antioxidant and good for eye health," Ficek says. It helps protect blood vessels, including those found in the eye. Good sources of vitamin C include grapefruit, Brussels sprouts,
broccoli, strawberries, papaya, oranges, and green peppers.
- Foods rich in vitamin E. "Vitamins C and E work together to keep healthy tissue strong, but most of us don't get the vitamin E we should from food,"Ficek says. You can boost your vitamin E levels by eating more almonds, pecans, sweet potatoes, and vegetable oils. "Or have a small handful of sunflower seeds or use
a tablespoon of wheat germ oil in your salad dressing," she says.
Some foods from the sea. Wild salmon, as well as lobster and other pink shellfish, are rich in astaxanthin, a type of antioxidant called a carotenoid. Similar to lutein, astaxanthin can help protect central vision.
Fish oil may also help ease dry eyes and age- related macular degeneration, Maturi says.
- Yogurt and cheese. "Both of these dairy products contain zinc, which is also beneficial for the eyes," Malik says. Zinc is concentrated in the retina and helps vitamin A produce melanin, a pigment that helps protect the eyes.
- Green tea. "The catechins found in green tea are powerful antioxidants that protect the eyes from oxidative stress from free radicals," Ficek says.
Source: Everydayhealth

How to know your medical doctor is a quack

Ever wondered if that medical doctor of yours is a quack? 
This is how to know..... 
1. He prescribes medication without testing you for anything. 
Doctors are big on scientific evidence. They demand that millions of dollars be poured into research to prove that things work. 
Yet, when you visit their office, they often don't gather any verifiable evidence on what they are treating YOU for. Isn't that interesting? 
You spend a few minutes with a guy who prescribes powerful medication to mess with your neurotransmitters. No tests - not even a questionnaire. You bring your kid in to a pediatrician and leave a few minutes later with powerful brain stimulants for ADHD - and the doc never did one test! 
Quacks don't know of any tests for many of the conditions for which they regularly prescribe medication. 
2. He tells you it's all in your head. 
Telling you that your real symptoms are all in your head (translation: he thinks you are crazy) means that the answers are NOT in his head. When quacks don't have the answer, they don't consider that there is anything for them to learn. They just blame you. Nice. 
A legitimate practitioner will admit when he doesn't know something and commit to finding solutions by expanding his knowledge, or working with other practitioners on your case who may shed fresh light on the subject. 
3. He denies the role of lifestyle, nutrition and stress. 
Eat the donuts, camp out on the couch, drink the problem. This has nothing to do with disease. Just take your pills. 
Nowadays, some quacks are conceding that diet and lifestyle have something to do with the onset of disease, but they are STILL NOT TALKING TO YOU ABOUT IT. They never mention it. They don't ask you how you eat, sleep or manage stress. 
It's because quacks don't know much about these things. When practitioners do not know much about the cause of 90% of disease - I call that a scam. 
4. He'll put you on the medication roller coaster. 
Some unfortunate folks, after dealing with a quack that doesn't know what he is doing, end up on 10-20 pharmaceutical medications and have lost touch with what it is like to feel normal. They live in a world of symptoms and side effects and - for some reason - keep going back for more. 
The quack responds by continuing to dish it out, but he has NO IDEA how these medications are interacting with each other, really. He is just guessing and writing more prescriptions. 
5. His own health is a mess. 
Walk your talk. Does your doc do it? Is he anexample of true health? If not, then he may not even know what genuine health feels like. 
How is he going to get you there? 
Doctors are among the most stressed out and suicidal populations on earth. Bless them, for they maintain crazy schedules and are truly under duress. Still, it is no excuse. We are all stressed. Docs are supposed to be examples, are they not? 
6. His doesn't involve you in your own 
So, you heard that this or that lab test might be worth doing. You read an article or did some of your own research, huh? Is your doctor interested? Is he willing to consider that you may know something? 
Quacks look down their nose at you, but real health practitioners will cooperate with you in your own treatment. They will investigate with you, consider your ideas, your feelings and work as a member of your team. 
7. He believes you cannot be healed, but treats you anyway. 
You have a disease for which there is no cure. 
You will need to take these pills for the rest of your life. Please don't believe that nutrition, vitamins, herbs, God or anyone can heal you. 
You are stuck. Take your medicine. 
Meanwhile, thousands of your fellow human beings are healing from the very symptoms that trouble you. You are dealing with a quack who will medicate you into oblivion and witness your inevitable decline according to his expectations. 
8. His communication skills are pathetic. 
You have six months to live. Nothing more we can do. There's the door. 
Thanks for the compassion, doc. 
9. He spends less than 10 minutes with you. 
Recent research shows that new doctors are spending less time than ever with patients - an average of eight minutes per. This is NOT headed in the right direction folks! This is your health - the most precious gift you have. It needs time and attention and real expertise. 
Eight minutes is not enough. 
New docs are quoted as saying, "We just don't have time." 
Translation: "We don't have time if we are going to make a lot of money." 
Money before patients = quackery. 
10. He thinks he is God. 
In spite of all the obvious signs of quackery, he still thinks he is all knowing. You still cannot connect with him as a person. He doesn't see you as a person. He won't take your ideas and suggestions, because you obviously don't know anything. After all, he is omniscient. 
Stop supporting your quack and find real help. 
Source: Naturalnews

Nutritional Value of Breadfruit

Breadfruit Nutritional value 
Nutritive Value per 100 g. (USDA) 
Nutrient Value 
Percentage of RDA 
103 Kcal 
27.12 g 
1.07 g 
Total Fat 
0.20 g 
0 mg 
Dietary Fiber 
4.9 g 
Nutrient Value 
Percentage of RDA 
14 µg 
0.900 mg 
0.100 mg 
0.030 mg 
Vitamin A 
0 IU 
Vitamin C 
29 mg 
Vitamin E 
0.10 mg 
Vitamin K 
0.5 µg 
Nutrient Value 
Percentage of RDA 
2 mg 
490 mg 
Nutrient Value 
Percentage of RDA 
17 mg 
0.084 mg 
0.54 mg 
25 mg 
0.060 mg 
30 mg 
0.6 µg 
0.12 mg 
Nutrient Value 
Percentage of RDA 
0 µg 
0 µg 
22 µg 
Breadfruit contains moderate levels of 
essential vitamins and minerals. It is rich in riboflavin, iron, niacin, thiamin, iron and phosphorus. It contains minerals like potassium, copper, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, manganese, selenium and phosphorus. It also contains adequate levels of protein. 100 grams provide 7.4 grams, approximately 23% of the recommended amount. It is low in 
saturated fats, cholesterol and sodium.

Why you shouldn't tattoo your body. - The Risk

I don't know the major reason why people tattoo their bodies. But to me, it's disgusting and unreasonable! It adds no beauty whatsoever or does it? 
Well, continue reading!... 
Tattoos breach the skin, which means that skin infections and other complications are possible, including: 
- Allergic reactions. Tattoo dyes — especially red, green, yellow and blue dyes — can cause allergic skin reactions, such as an itchy rash at the tattoo site. This can occur even years after you get the tattoo. 
- Skin infections. A skin infection is possible after tattooing. 
Other skin problems. Sometimes bumps called granulomas form around tattoo ink. 
Tattooing also can lead to keloids — raised areas caused by an overgrowth of scar tissue. 
- Bloodborne diseases. If the equipment used to create your tattoo is contaminated with infected blood, you can contract various bloodborne diseases — including tetanus, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. 
- MRI complications. Rarely, tattoos or permanent makeup might cause swelling or burning in the affected areas during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exams. 
In some cases, tattoo pigments can 
interfere with the quality of the image. 
Medication or other treatment might be needed if you experience an allergic reaction to the tattoo ink or you develop an infection or other skin problem near a tattoo.

Monday 6 July 2015

Few steps to combat Body Odour.

I have seen people with this stuff, It is very embarrassing. Perhaps you are one of them suffering from this uncoverable-ailment. Do some of the listed.
- Watch what you eat
Certain foods have the potential to make our sweat more pungent. A diet high in the red meat increases body odor as does curry, garlic, and other spicy foods. “We don't fully digest garlic, curry and onions so they leave the pores with the sweat and create a strong smell,” explains Debra Jaliman, MD, author of Skin Rules: Trade Secrets from a Top New York Dermatologist.
- Shave your underarms
If you have a lot of hair under your arms, it slows the evaporation of sweat so that you have more bacteria. (If your crotch area is a problem, consider waxing. And take pit stops, meaning, if you exercise a lot or sweat a lot, wash under your arms a few times a day and change clothing.
- Wear breathable clothing
Natural fibers (linen, silk, cotton, light
wool like merino) can breathe and
decrease sweating. Also some of the high-tech fibers wick away moisture. Many exercise clothing now offer high-tech fabric that wicks away moisture from the body, so bacteria doesn’t have a chance to get at the sweat. (Clothing tags will identify them.) Dressing in layers also helps soak up the sweat.
- Use antiperspirant and deodorant
An antiperspirant blocks the sweating action while deodorants have fragrance to mask the smell. Deodorants also make the skin more acidic, making it less hospitable for bacteria. If a regular product doesn’t work for you, try a stronger over-the counter antiperspirant.
- Apply twice
Studies have shown that applying
deodorant in the morning on dry skin and at night before bed makes a big difference.
Night-time application allows the
ingredients to get into the sweat glands and clog them, as opposed to the morning, when sweat glands may already be full.
- Bath Twice daily
- Avoid wearing really really dark clothes.
- Change shoes often
If foot odor is your problem, give shoes a chance to dry inside by changing them often. Dust them and your feet with foot powder to maintain dryness.
Share to your social networks if this orientate you. 

Natural Exquisite ways to have Pink lips

You know, pink lips also adds to our beauty. That's why you see girls buy lip stick and others. Even for guys.
If you are my Facebook friend or instagram follower you must have seen some of my pictures saying am pinky endowed. Well it adds to everyone's beauty if it isn't awkward. But it is nice so these are tips to help give you natural pink lips like mine or better than mine. *winks.
- Use Pomegranate Seeds and Milk
This is another efficient way to lighten dark, dull lips. You can create that beautiful pink color by using pomegranate seeds. Crush up the seeds and mix it with some milk. Apply this home remedy to your lips regularly, you will see them becoming redder and fuller. The fantastic thing about this remedy is that there are no side effects. These seeds are sold in some shops in Nigeria.
- Cucumber Juice
This is another great way to reduce the darkness of your lip, you can just apply a bit of cucumber juice on them. Simply slice a cucumber, rubbing it against your lips to allow the juices to soak on. If you do this for five minutes each day, you can lighten your lips to a pretty pink color.
- Lemon Juice And Sugar
Another home remedy is with the use of lemon and some sugar. Cut a thin slice from the lemon, sprinkling a bit of sugar on top and rub your lips with it each day. This works well because lemon works to naturally bleach your lips, returning them to their light, pink color while sugar will exfoliate dead skin cells.
- Strawberry Mixture
Strawberries have many benefits that are great for lightening dark lips. All you need to do is make a paste using strawberries and mix it with some aloe vera juice and pure honey.
Apply this paste and leave it on for five minutes before rinsing it off and replacing it with an homemade lip balm. This is effective because berries have many vital vitamins and minerals that can keep your lips healthy and therefore vibrant.
- Mix Honey, Almond Oil and Sugar
What you can also do is to mix sugar, honey and a little bit of olive or almond oil. Apply this to your lips, massaging it in for ten minutes. You will share the results.
- Smoking should be avoided. Smoking not only deteriorates health, but also makes lips dark.
- Avoid drinking excess of tea and coffee. Caffeine is an important factor for dark lips.
- Avoid licking lips as this can make lips dry and chapped.(but I do lick my lips and its not dark. Well. Research is powerful.)
- Eat skin nourishment food with minerals to make lips beautiful. Fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals that nourishes our skin.
- Drinking 8 glasses of water every day will help to keep lip skin soft and prevent it from dying.
- Protect lips from sun rays.
Note: When you exfoliate your lips, make sure you don’t use your toothbrush too hard on your lips so that you won’t injure your lips: All you need to do is dampen a soft-bristled toothbrush with warm water and gently rub your lips using small circular motions. 

Definition and Symptoms of Stomach Ulcer.

What is a Stomach Ulcer?
Stomach ulcers are painful sores that can be found in the stomach lining or small intestine.
Stomach ulcers are also known as peptic ulcers. They occur when the thick layer of mucus that protects your stomach from.digestive juices is reduced.
According to the American Gastroenterological Association, an estimated four million people have stomach ulcers and one in 10 people will develop the condition over their lifetime (AGA ).
Stomach ulcers are easily cured, however they can become severe without treatment.
What Causes Stomach Ulcers?
Stomach ulcers are not necessarily caused by one single factor. The decrease in the stomach’s mucus lining that leads to an ulcer is commonly caused by:
- An infection with the bacterium
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) long-term use in excess of the recommended dosage of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen Zollinger-Ellison syndrome—a rare disease that makes the body produce excess
stomach acid
Certain factors and behaviors put people at higher risk for developing stomach ulcers:
- Smoking
- Frequent use of steroids (such as those for treating asthma)
- Hypercalcemia (overproduction of calcium)
- Family history of stomach ulcers
- Being over 50 years old
- Excessive consumption of alcohol
Symptoms of Stomach Ulcers
There are a number of symptoms associated with stomach ulcers. The severity of the symptoms depends on the severity of the ulcer. 
The most common symptom is a
burning sensation or pain in the area between your chest and belly button. Normally, the pain will be more intense when your stomach is empty and it can last for a few minutes or several hours.
Other common symptoms include:
- Dull, burning pain in the stomach
- Weight loss not wanting to eat because of pain nausea or vomiting bloating burping heartburn (burning sensation in the chest) pain improves when you eat, drink , or take antacids
Talk to your doctor if you experience
symptoms of a stomach ulcer. Even though discomfort may be mild, ulcers can get worse if they aren’t treated. 

Opinion: Reasons why you are not getting pregnant.

I wish no one reads this. According to researchers, being barren is the worst thing that can happen to couples. Ofcause, we are sure to know that God is the ultimate provider of life.  He is the one that gives one babies but however God might have released the baby and your health may be now the cause and stumbling block of the...... . The following can take a toll in your bareness. God help!
- Stress
When you mention to friends and family that you’re “trying,” you’ll almost guaranteed to hear someone say, “Just relax and it will happen.” Easier said than done. Stress, good or bad, is going to take its toll on you both physically and mentally. According to naturopathic doctor Via Bitidis, co-director of the North Toronto Naturopathic Clinic, balance and calm are a crucial part of trying to conceive. “When you’re stressed your adrenal system takes a hit. Your body isn’t going to say, ‘Okay, let’s get pregnant.’
Learning to say no and to take time for yourself is important for improving your chances of having a baby.” Megan Karnis, medical director of The ONE Fertility Clinic in Burlington, Ont., agrees with a word of caution: “A lot of women think the best thing to do when you’re stressed is to take time off work. In my experience, that doesn’t help, because it makes a woman feel she has to get pregnant in that time and then the stress to get pregnant is so much higher,” she says.
Instead of altering your day-to-day routine entirely, Karnis recommends counselling, art therapy, meditation and exercise to reduce stress levels.
- Sleep deprivation
You already know that catching an adequate number of zzz’s makes that morning department meeting more bearable, but here’s another reason to get yourself to bed before the wee hours. Sleep deprivation puts stress on the body (there’s that pesky s-word again) and when you’re tired, you don’t run on all cylinders. “For people who don’t get enough sleep, their immune systems are down a little bit and they’re more likely to get infections, which will affect the reproductive cycle,” Karnis says. “This applies to men as well.
Infections can cause fever and that excess heat can damage the sperm temporarily,” she says. “Women who don’t get enough sleep can also start to feel anxious , which may cause missed periods.” Keeping yourself healthy is the baby bottom line, so set the PVR to record Mad Men and enforce a new bedtime.
- Weight issues
A woman who is underweight or overweight may have some difficulty conceiving a baby.
“An undernourished body may not ovulate properly,” says Bitidis. On the other hand, excess weight can have a significant effect on fertility. “Just being over your ideal weight decreases your chance of getting pregnant even if you are ovulating regularly,” says Karnis. “The further you stray above 25 on the Body Mass Index, the worse it gets.”
Maintaining a healthy diet and developing a reasonable exercise routine will do wonders for your mind and body,” Bitidis adds.
- Cycle confusion
“A lot of women don’t understand their own cycles,” says Bitidis. Most of us were taught the typical 28-day cycle in health class back in high school, but every woman is different and cycles vary in length. “The biggest thing is timing,” Karnis says. “We teach women that ovulation is two weeks before your period.
Most people think that it’s two weeks after, but that’s only if you have a four-week cycle,” she says. You’ll have better luck conceiving if you monitor ovulation and start having sex at the right time. “We also teach people about sperm life—they can live for three days in the cervix, so you don’t have to have sex on the day of ovulation, it could be the day before.
We also find that a lot of people don’t know that lubricant decreases sperm motility and transfer, so you shouldn’t use lubricant when you’re trying to get pregnant,” says Karnis.
- Biofeedback
“Keeping a positive attitude is incredibly important. There is a huge mind-body connection. Try not to listen to the negative stories and try to be patient,” Bitidis advises.
Preparing for pregnancy up to a year in advance may be a good idea if you’re planning to start a family in the near future, that way you can focus on making lifestyle changes. If you’re trying now, remember that it can take time—experts say up to a year— to conceive. If you’re concerned that it has taken too long, speak to your healthcare provider about your options for fertility counselling and treatment.
Source: Interview with Britis.

Pregnancy: Signs that tell you Labour is near.

How do I know it's time for labour? Read the below!
When will it happen? How will it feel? How long will it take? And, commonly: How will I know it’s time?
It’s hard to predict the answers to those first three questions, since every birth is different.
But for number four, we can help. There are some clear labor signs to watch for.
So sit back and relax as we educate you on 10 signs that labour is near.
- Your baby “drops”
A few weeks before labour begins, your baby will start to descend into your pelvis (for first- time mamas; in future births, this “lightening” doesn’t usually happen until you’re truly in labour). Your baby is getting into position to make his exit: head down and low. Yes, you might feel you’re waddling even more than you have been up until this point — and you may be back to taking very frequent bathroom breaks like you did way back in your first trimester, because baby’s head is pushing down on your bladder too. But the good news is you have a little more breathing room, since baby is moving away from your lungs.
- Your cervix dilates
Your cervix, too, is starting to prepare for birth: It starts to dilate (open) and to efface (thin out) in the days or weeks before you deliver. At your weekly check-ups, your provider may measure and track dilation and effacement via an internal exam. But everyone progresses differently, so don’t be discouraged if you’re dilating slowly (or not at all yet).
- You feel more cramps and increased back pain.
Especially if this is not your first pregnancy, you may feel some crampiness and pain in your groin and lower back as labor nears.
Your muscles and joints are stretching and shifting in preparation for birth.
- Your joints feel looser
Throughout your pregnancy, the hormone relaxin has made all of your ligaments soften and loosen (it’s also responsible for your bouts of clumsiness this past trimester).
Before you go into labour, you may notice your joints all over your body feel a bit looser.
Relax — it’s just nature’s way of opening up your pelvis for your little passenger to make his or her way into the world.
- You have diarrhea
Just as the muscles in your uterus are relaxing in preparation for birth, so are other muscles in your body — including those in our rectum. That can lead to loose bowel movements. Though annoying, this is normal; stay hydrated and remember it’s a good sign!
- You stop gaining weight (or lose pounds).
Weight gain tends to level off at the very end of pregnancy. Some mothers-to-be even lose a couple of kilograms! This is normal and won’t affect your baby’s birth-weight. He’s still gaining, but you’re losing due to lower levels of amniotic fluid, more potty breaks (see #1 and #8 on this list), and even increased activity (see #7).
- You feel extra-tired …or you have an urge to Rest.
Wait a minute, is this the third trimester or the first? Between the active bladder and the exhaustion, sometimes you can feel like you’ve traveled backwards in time. That super-size belly, along with the heavy bladder, can make it hard (even impossible) to get a good night’s sleep during the last days and weeks of pregnancy. Pile on those pillows and take naps during the day if you possibly can! That is, unless you’re feeling the opposite of fatigued: Some Mamalettes get a burst of energy as birth-day nears, and can’t resist the compelling urge to clean and organize everything in sight. That’s okay, as long as you don’t overdo it!
- Your vaginal discharge changes colour and consistency.
In the last days before labour you’ll notice an increased and/or thickened vaginal discharge.
You may also notice the loss of your mucous plug — the cork sealing off your uterus from the outside world. It can come out in one large piece (it looks similar to the mucous you have in your nose, but with faint streaks of blood) or lots of little ones (though you may not notice it at all if you’re the flush-and-run type). This thickened, pinkish discharge is also called the bloody show and is a good indication that labour is imminent (though without labor contractions or dilation of three to four centimeters, labour could still be a few days away!).
- You feel stronger, more frequent
Contractions are an early sign of active labour — except when they aren’t. You can experience Braxton-Hicks contractions for weeks and even months before delivery. You’ll feel their pinch as the muscles in your uterus tighten in preparation for their big moment (pushing that baby out!). How can you tell the difference between real and false labor contractions? Look for these signs of real labour:
* If you’re active, contractions get stronger instead of easing up

* If you change position, contractions don’t go away

*The contraction pain starts in your lower back and moves to your lower abdomen, and possibly your legs
Contractions progress: They get more frequent and more painful, and sometimes fall into a regular pattern
- Your water breaks
While movies would have you think you’ll learn you’re in labor only when your water breaks (of course in the middle of a romantic dinner date at a busy restaurant), that’s a very unlikely scenario. It’s actually one of the final signs of labour most women notice — and it happens in less than 15% of births. So don’t count on it as your only labour sign!
Still feel like you won’t know when to
announce “It’s time!” and get ready to meet your baby? Try not to stress about it. You’ll be seeing your doctor or midwife frequently now, and she’ll help you spot all the important signs.
Source: Mamalette
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Changes during Puberty in Boys and Girls.

Puberty — or sexual development — is a time of dramatic change for both boys and girls.
Hormone-driven changes are accompanied by growth spurts that transform kids into physically mature teens as their bodies develop.
It's important for them to have healthy eating habits, a well-balanced diet, and some physical activity each day to ensure continued growth and proper development during these years.
Changes in Girls
These characteristics describe the sequence of events in girls as they go through puberty:
- Breasts begin to develop and hips become rounded.
- An increased rate of growth in height begins.
- Pubic hair begins to appear, usually within 6 to 12 months after the start of breast development.
- The uterus and vagina, as well as labia and clitoris, increase in size.
- Pubic hair is well established and breasts grow further.
- The rate of growth in height reaches its peak about 2 years after the start of puberty.
- Menstruation begins, almost always after the peak growth rate in height (average age is 12.5 years).
- Once girls start to menstruate, they usually grow about 1 or 2 more inches, reaching their final adult height by about age 14 or 15 years (younger or older depending on when puberty began).
Changes in Boys
Boys tend to show the first physical changes of puberty between the ages of 10 and 16.
- They tend to grow most quickly between ages 12 and 15. The growth spurt of boys is, on average, about 2 years later than that of girls.
- By age 16, most boys have probably stopped growing, but their muscles will continue to develop.
Other features of puberty in boys include:
- The penis and testicles increase in size.
- Pubic hair appears, followed by underarm and facial hair.
- The voice deepens and may sometimes crack or break.
- The Adam's apple, or larynx cartilage, gets bigger.
- Testicles begin to produce sperm.
Source: Kidshealth

Hot to treat Epilepsy Naturally.

Can epilepsy be cured? How can epilepsy be cured? See this below...
Why Go Natural?
Epilepsy is traditionally treated with anti-seizure medications. But these medications don’t work for everyone, and they come with a risk of side effects.
From herbs and vitamins to biofeedback and acupuncture, there are a lot of choices available. But there is far less evidence backing up natural treatments for epilepsy compared with conventional medicine.
Some alternative therapies might complement your current treatment plan, but you should always ask a doctor first.
Inside Herbal Treatments
With an increasing market and public interest, herbal treatments have soared in popularity. It seems there is an herb for virtually every ailment. NYU Langone Medical Center estimates that 20 percent of people taking prescription drugs also use herbs.
Some of the most commonly used herbs for epilepsy are:
- Burning bush
- Groundsel
- Hydrocotyle
- Lily of the valley
- Mistletoe
- Mugwort
- Peony
- Scullcap
- Tree of heaven
- Valerian
Such herbs have the potential to reduce seizures, but there’s no scientific proof that they work. The FDA doesn’t regulate the safety and efficacy of supplements. Herbs sometimes cause unpleasant side effects such as headaches, rashes, and digestive problems.
While some herbs might help epilepsy, others should be avoided. These include:
gingko and St. John’s wort (may interact with anti-seizure medications) kava, passionflower, and valerian (may increase sedation), garlic (can possibly increase medication levels), chamomile (may prolong medication
Vitamins May Complement Treatment
Along with a healthy diet, certain vitamins can help decrease seizures in epilepsy. Keep in mind that vitamins alone don’t work. You should also follow your doctor’s instructions to prevent a possible overdose.
The most frequently used vitamins for epilepsy are:
- Folic acid
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
Self-Control and Biofeedback
Some people with epilepsy try to control their brain activity to reduce the frequency of seizures. The theory is that if you can detect symptoms of an impending seizure, then you may be able to stop it.
According to NYU Langone Medical Center, some patients experience symptoms 20 minutes before a seizure. Others might feel symptoms for several days leading up to the event, including:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Bad headaches
Self-control methods are used to prevent or decrease the intensity of the seizure once it arrives. There are varying techniques, all which require good concentration and focus.
Examples of such methods are:
- Meditation
- Walking
- Immersing in a task
- Sniffing a strong odor
literally telling the seizure “no”
Oftentimes, these methods are too good to be true. The problem is there is no single technique to stop a seizure, and there is no guarantee it will work every time.
Another method involves biofeedback. Like self-control measures, the purpose of the process is to take control of your brain activity. Biofeedback utilizes electrical sensors to alter brain waves.
Physical therapists commonly use
biofeedback. If you’re interested in this procedure, seek a professional — don’t fall for a biofeedback practitioner without credentials.
Other Alternative Treatments
Acupuncture and chiropractic treatments are sometimes considered other alternatives to conventional medicine. The exact way acupuncture helps is not understood, but the ancient Chinese practice is used to help chronic pain and other medical issues. By placing fine needles in specific parts of the body, practitioners help the body heal itself.
Acupuncture may change brain activities to reduce seizures. While the practice sounds good in theory, there is no scientific evidence to prove acupuncture as an effective epilepsy treatment.
Spinal manipulations in chiropractic care may also help the body heal itself. Some chiropractors use specific manipulations to help patients control seizures on a regular basis. But like acupuncture, chiropractic care isn’t widely viewed as an effective form of epilepsy treatment.
Certain dietary changes may also decrease seizures. The best-known diet is the ketogenic diet, which focuses on eating a higher ratio of fats. It’s considered a low-carb, low-protein diet. This sort of eating pattern is thought to help decrease seizures, although doctors don’t know exactly why.
Children generally use the ketogenic diet, and many people find the restrictions challenging.
Still, this type of diet might complement other treatment measures to help reduce seizures.

Source: Healthline

Sunday 5 July 2015

20 Ways To Never Get Cancer

First, the good news: You probably won't get cancer.

That is, if you have a healthy lifestyle. "As many as 70% of known causes of cancers are avoidable and related to lifestyle," says Thomas A. Sellers, PhD, associate director for cancer prevention and control at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. Diet, exercise, and avoidance of tobacco products are, of course, your first line of defense, but recent research has uncovered many small, surprising ways you can weave even more disease prevention into your everyday life.

Try these novel strategies and your risk of cancer could dwindle even more.

1. Filter your tap water
You'll reduce your exposure to known or suspected carcinogens and hormone-disrupting chemicals. A report from the President's Cancer Panel on how to reduce exposure to carcinogens suggests that home-filtered tap water is a safer bet than bottled water, whose quality often is not higher—and in some cases is worse—than that of municipal sources, according to a study by the Environmental Working Group. (Consumer Reports' top picks for faucet-mounted filters: Culligan, Pur Vertical, and the Brita OPFF-100.) Store water in stainless steel or glass to avoid chemical contaminants such as BPA that can leach from plastic bottles.

2. Stop topping your tank
So say the EPA and the President's Cancer Panel: Pumping one last squirt of gas into your car after the nozzle clicks off can spill fuel and foil the pump's vapor recovery system, designed to keep toxic chemicals such as cancer-causing benzene out of the air, where they can come in contact with your skin or get into your lungs.

3. Marinate meat first
Processed, charred, and well-done meats can contain cancer-causing heterocyclic amines, which form when meat is seared at high temperatures, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which get into food when it's charcoal broiled. "The recommendation to cut down on grilled meat has really solid scientific evidence behind it," says Cheryl Lyn Walker, PhD, a professor of carcinogenesis at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. If you do grill, add rosemary and thyme to your favorite marinade and soak meat for at least an hour before cooking. The antioxidant-rich spices can cut HCAs by as much as 87%, according to research at Kansas State University.

4. Caffeinate every day
Java lovers who drank 5 or more cups of caffeinated coffee a day had a 40% decreased risk of brain cancer, compared with people who drank the least, in a 2010 British study. A 5-cup-a-day coffee habit reduces risks of oral and throat cancer almost as much. Researchers credit the caffeine: Decaf had no comparable effect. But coffee was a more potent protector against these cancers than tea, which the British researchers said also offered protection against brain cancer.

5. Water down your risk
Drinking plenty of water and other liquids may reduce the risk of bladder cancer by diluting the concentration of cancer-causing agents in urine and helping to flush them through the bladder faster. Drink at least 8 cups of liquid a day, suggests the American Cancer Society.

6. Load up on green greens
Next time you're choosing salad fixings, reach for the darkest varieties. The chlorophyll that gives them their color is loaded with magnesium, which some large studies have found lowers the risk of colon cancer in women. "Magnesium affects signaling in cells, and without the right amount, cells may do things like divide and replicate when they shouldn't," says Walker. Just 1/2 cup of cooked spinach provides 75 mg of magnesium, 20% of the daily value.

7. Snack on Brazil nuts
They're a stellar source of selenium, an antioxidant that lowers the risk of bladder cancer in women, according to research from Dartmouth Medical School. Other studies have found that people with high blood levels of selenium have lower rates of dying of lung cancer and colorectal cancer. Researchers think selenium not only protects cells from free radical damage but also may enhance immune function and suppress formation of blood vessels that nourish tumors.

8. Burn off your risk
Moderate exercise such as brisk walking 2 hours a week cuts risk of breast cancer 18%. Regular workouts may lower your risks by helping you burn fat, which otherwise produces its own estrogen, a known contributor to breast cancer. (Try these 14 Walking Workouts That Blast Fat.)

9. Skip the dry cleaner
A solvent known as perc (short for perchloroethylene) that's used in traditional dry cleaning may cause liver and kidney cancers and leukemia, according to an EPA finding backed in early 2010 by the National Academies of Science. The main dangers are to workers who handle chemicals or treated clothes using older machines, although experts have not concluded that consumers are also at increased cancer risk. Less toxic alternatives: Hand-wash clothes with mild soap and air-dry them, spot cleaning if necessary with white vinegar.

10. Ask about breast density
Women whose mammograms have revealed breast density readings of 75% or more have a breast cancer risk 4 to 5 times higher than that of women with low density scores, according to recent research. One theory is that denser breasts result from higher levels of estrogen—making exercise particularly important (see #8). "Shrinking your body fat also changes growth factors, signaling proteins such as adipokines and hormones like insulin in ways that tend to turn off cancer-promoting processes in cells," Walker says.

11. Head off cell phone risks
Use your cell phone only for short calls or texts, or use a hands-free device that keeps the phone—and the radio frequency energy it emits—away from your head. The point is more to preempt any risk than to protect against a proven danger: Evidence that cell phones increase brain cancer risk is "neither consistent nor conclusive," says the President's Cancer Panel report. But a number of review studies suggest there's a link.

12. Block cancer with color
Choosing your outdoor outfit wisely may help protect against skin cancer, say Spanish scientists. In their research, blue and red fabrics offered significantly better protection against the sun's UV rays than white and yellow ones did. Don't forget to put on a hat: Though melanoma can appear anywhere on the body, it's more common in areas the sun hits, and researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have found that people with melanomas on the scalp or neck die at almost twice the rate of people with the cancer on other areas of the body.

13. Pick a doc with a past
Experience—lots of it—is critical when it comes to accurately reading mammograms. A study from the University of California, San Francisco, found that doctors with at least 25 years' experience were more accurate at interpreting images and less likely to give false positives. Ask about your radiologist's track record. If she is freshly minted or doesn't check a high volume of mammograms, get a second read from someone with more mileage.

14. Eat clean foods
The President's Cancer Panel recommends buying meat free of antibiotics and added hormones, which are suspected of causing endocrine problems, including cancer. The report also advises that you purchase produce grown without pesticides and wash conventionally grown food thoroughly to remove residues. (The foods with the most pesticides: celery, peaches, strawberries, apples, and blueberries. See the full list of dirtiest fruits and vegetables here.) "At least 40 known carcinogens are found in pesticides and we should absolutely try to reduce exposure," Sellers says.

15. Do a folic acid check
The B vitamin, essential for women who may become or are pregnant to prevent birth defects, is a double-edged sword when it comes to cancer risk. Consuming too much of the synthetic form (not folate, found in leafy green veggies, orange juice, and other foods) has been linked to increased colon cancer risk, as well as higher lung cancer and prostate cancer risks. Rethink your multivitamin, especially if you eat a lot of cereal and fortified foods. A CDC study discovered that half of supplement users who took supplements with more than 400 mcg of folic acid exceeded 1,000 mcg per day of folic acid. Most supplements pack 400 mcg. Individual supplements (of vitamin D and calcium, for instance) may be a smarter choice for most women who aren't thinking of having kids.

16. Up your calcium intake
Milk's main claim to fame may also help protect you from colon cancer. Those who took calcium faithfully for 4 years had a 36% reduction in the development of new precancerous colon polyps 5 years after the study had ended, revealed Dartmouth Medical School researchers. (They tracked 822 people who took either 1,200 mg of calcium every day or a placebo.) Though the study was not on milk itself, you can get the same amount of calcium in three 8-ounce glasses of fat-free milk, along with an 8-ounce serving of yogurt or a 2- to 3-ounce serving of low-fat cheese daily.

17. Commit to whole grains
You know whole wheat is better for you than white bread. Here's more proof why you should switch once and for all: If you eat a lot of things with a high glycemic load—a measurement of how quickly food raises your blood sugar—you may run a higher risk of colorectal cancer than women who eat low-glycemic-load foods, found a Harvard Medical School study involving 38,000 women. The problem eats are mostly white: white bread, pasta, potatoes, and sugary pastries. The low-glycemic-load stuff comes with fiber.

18. Pay attention to pain
If you're experiencing a bloated belly, pelvic pain, and an urgent need to urinate, see your doctor. These symptoms may signal ovarian cancer, particularly if they're severe and frequent. Women and physicians often ignore these symptoms, and that's the very reason that this disease can be deadly. When caught early, before cancer has spread outside the ovary, the relative 5-year survival rate for ovarian cancer is a jaw-dropping 90 to 95%.

19. Avoid unnecessary scans
CT scans are a great diagnostic tool, but they deliver much more radiation than x-rays and may be overused, says Barton Kamen, MD, PhD, chief medical officer for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. In fact, researchers suggest that one-third of CT scans could be unnecessary. High doses of radiation can trigger leukemia, so make sure scans are not repeated if you see multiple doctors, and ask if another test, such as an ultrasound or MRI, could substitute.

20. Drop 10 pounds
Being overweight or obese accounts for 20% of all cancer deaths among women and 14% among men, notes the American Cancer Society. (You're overweight if your body mass index is between 25 and 29.9; you're obese if it's 30 or more.) Plus, losing excess pounds reduces the body's production of female hormones, which may protect against breast cancer, endometrial cancer, and ovarian cancer. Even if you're not technically overweight, gaining just 10 pounds after the age of 30 increases your risk of developing breast, pancreatic, and cervical, among other cancers.

Why you should drink water as soon as you wake up

Many benefits. Dehydration can be harmful to your body. Taking water every morning is the first step to good health.
It also helps liberate your stomach and allows you poop easily. Water, according to a musician has no enemy!.
Doing so has its therapeutic benefits and is said to treat various conditions, such as recurring body pains, asthma, and even cancer.
Why Water is Essential
You need to drink water throughout the day because the body is made up of water, 70% of it to be specific. Your muscles are also made up of water (75%) and your blood is 82% water. Water is significant in making sure your body is functioning correctly. Drinking water before you eat anything can help purify your body’s internal system. In fact, this can aid in colon cleansing, so that the nutrients that enter your body will be absorbed better.
When you drink water early in the morning, this encourages the production of hematopoiesis, which is also called new blood.
This so-called new blood will help the body restore itself, eventually curing diseases. More benefits include:
- Water makes your skin healthier. Water can remove toxins from the blood and this can result to better looking and glowing skin.
- Get a more balanced lymph system.
Drinking water first thing in the morning every day can balance your lymph system. Note that the lymph glands in your lymph system are the ones responsible for fighting infections, so you can perform various activities daily.
Additionally, the glands help steady the fluids within your body.
- You can lose weight . 
Consuming about 16 ounces of chilled water can boost your metabolism by almost 25%. If your goal is to lose weight, always drink water in the morning to shed the extra pounds.
- Some illnesses may be cured. Water is a well-known purifier and when the body is cleansed, some ailments may be easily fought and removed. Drinking water can help cure vomiting, menstrual disorders, cancers, throat diseases, eye diseases, urinary illnesses, kidney diseases, tuberculosis, arthritis, diarrhea, and headaches among others.
Drinking at least five glasses of water when you wake up will give you great results. Make sure you turn this into a habit, so you can truly benefit from it. Remember to drink water first before you drink or eat anything else. It is recommended that you drink water an hour before you have breakfast. Drinking about five to six glasses of water may seem a lot, especially at first. However, this becomes much easier as you get accustomed to the routine.
Source: Organicmedic
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Why your body itches after bathing

Pruritus is the medical name for
itching, and this can leave scars or damage on your skin. This itching can occur all over the body or on a particular part of the body especially the laps and legs. This article will help you to prevent and eliminate the itch on your skin naturally.
There are so many reasons why you have itches right after you finish taking your bath.
- Frequently changing your soaps and shampoos.
Changing of your toiletries occasionally can be bad for your skin, especially sensitive ones.
The chemical ingredients of these products can irritate ones skin.
- Taking hot showers.
Taking your bath with hot water can cause the skin dry excessively and this can lead itchy skin after taking bath.
- Bathing with hard water.
This is one of the major causes of skin irritation after a shower. Bathing with hard water may leave a thin layer of soap on your skin and this causes itching. The calcium in hard water can also trigger dryness and itching.
- Allergic reaction.
Body contact with some certain allergies may trigger itching on the skin which may from a few minutes up to a few hours. These allergies may be triggered off by some certain chemicals contained in your towels, bathing sponge or your bed sheets.
- Chemical irritants.
A chemical derived from coconut called sodium lauryl sulfate, which is used in manufacturing soaps and shampoos can also initiate itching and rashes. This sodium lauryl sulphate serves as a foaming ingredient which makes up a lather.
- Improper or poor diet.
A poor diet is another reason you may be having itchy sensation. Lack of nutritional substances that are necessary for keeping the skin moist could be the reason you are having itching sensation on your body after shower.
- Frequent bath.
Taking shower regularly may wash of the natural oils contained in your body that helps in protecting the body from harsh environment. When you take long or hot showers, these oils can be stripped away thereby leaving your skin dry and itchy.
How to prevent it.
- Use lukewarm water when taking your shower. This will prevent your skin from losing its natural oil.
- Boil your water or install a water-softening machine to guard your body from hard water.
- Avoid switching toiletries. Find a particular toiletry that soothes your body best and adhere to it.
- Make use of essential oils and lotions on your body to soften your skin.
- Guard your skin from areas that are to hot, humid or cold.
- Wear clean clothes.
- Avoid aggressive rough use of your towel while drying your body after shower. Clean your body gently with your towel. Also wash your towel regularly.
Source: healthnewsips
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Detailed: What is Staphylococcus?

Staphylococcus aureus (or Staph aureus ) is a type of bacteria commonly found on the skin and hair as well as in the noses and throats of people and animals. These bacteria are present in up to 25 percent of healthy people and are even more common among those with skin, eye, nose, or throat infections.
Staphylococcus can cause food poisoning when a food handler contaminates food and then the food is not properly refrigerated.
Other sources of food contamination include the equipment and surfaces on which food is prepared. These bacteria multiply quickly at room temperature to produce a toxin that causes illness. Staphylococcus is killed by cooking and pasteurization.
Foods that are made with hand contact and require no additional cooking, such as:
- Salads
- Yam
- Egg
- Tuna
- Chicken
- Potato
- Macaroni
- Cream-filled pastries
- Cream pies
- Chocolate éclairs
- Sandwiches
- Milk and Dairy Products
- Meat
- Poultry
- Eggs and related products.
Incubation Period
- 1-6 hours
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Loss of appetite
- Severe abdominal cramps
- Mild fever
Duration of Illness
- 24-48 hours
What Do I Do?
- Drink plenty of fluids and get rest. If you cannot drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration, call your doctor.
How Can I Prevent Illness?
- Wash hands and under fingernails
vigorously with soap and water before
handling and preparing food.
- Do not prepare food if you have a nose or eye infection.
- Do not prepare or serve food for others if you have wounds or skin infections on your hands or wrists.
- Keep kitchens and food-serving areas clean and sanitized.
- If food is prepared more than two hours before serving, keep hot foods hot (over 140° F) and cold foods cold (40° For under).
- Store cooked food in a wide, shallow
container and refrigerate as soon as

Signs and Symptoms that you have been bitten by a Tsetse fly

Sleeping sickness is caused by two germs (protozoa), Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and Trypanosomoa brucei gambiense . The more severe form of the illness is caused by T. b. rhodesiense .
Tsetse flies carry the infection. When an infected fly bites you, the infection spreads through your blood.
Risk factors include living in parts of Africa where the disease is found and being bitten by tsetse flies. The disease does not occur in the United States. But travelers who have visited or lived in Africa can have the infection.
The following are Signs and Symptoms that you have been visited by a Tsetse fly.
General symptoms include:

- Anxiety
- Drowsiness during the day
- Fever
- Headache
- Insomnia at night
- Mood changes
- Sleepiness (may be uncontrollable)
- Sweating
- Swollen lymph nodes all over the body
- Swollen, red, painful nodule at site of fly bite
- Weakness 

Foods men and women over 40 should eat.

Studies suggest that the amount of energy burnt while resting begins to drop by the age of 30, and by a further seven per cent with every subsequent decade, so if you continue eating as you did in your 20s, you’ll start putting on weight.
From our fourth decade onwards, the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes becomes a concern – lead an unhealthy lifestyle and your cholesterol levels and blood pressure will rise. The good news is there are foods proven to fight these concerns. 
Here are the items:
Tip: Oats help reduce cholesterol
WHY? Oats contain beta-glucans, a soluble fibre that can help lower the unwanted form of cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL).
Avenanthramides – antioxidants unique to oats – protect against atherosclerosis (the build-up of plaque on artery walls), so giving oats an advantage over other grains.
Reason: Researchers conclude that eating just 3g of oats daily is enough to reduce total cholesterol by five to ten per cent.
It is estimated that the risk of developing heart disease drops by two per cent for every one per cent reduction in total cholesterol.
This is a must for the 50-plus group, as it is in this decade that heart-disease risk shoots up.
WHY? Cherries are useful in combating several conditions common in middle age, including gout and arthritis. They are a rich source of the antioxidant anthocyanin.
Reason: Gout, which affects mainly men, is linked to raised levels of uric acid, forming crystals within the small joints. In a trial, researchers gave healthy participants 200g of cherries at breakfast. They noted that the rate at which uric acid was excreted increased by 60 per cent.
WHY? Benefits range from improved blood-sugar levels to reducing cholesterol.
Reason: A study revealed that 20 adults eating 60g of almonds daily for four weeks showed a nine per cent reduction in blood-sugar, suggesting almonds could offer protection against cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Another study took 22 adults and replaced about a third of their usual sources of fat with almonds. After six weeks they noted a six per cent reduction in ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol, while their ‘good’ HDL cholesterol increased by six per cent.
Tips: Almonds benefit blood sugar levels
WHY? Omega 3 fats in these fish can help lower heart rate and blood pressure, and reduce the risk of irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia).
Reason: The best sources of omega 3 fats are salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines and herring. A trial found that women who ate oily fish on a regular basis experienced the lowest incidence of strokes. Fish must be eaten at least four times a week for optimal benefits.
Tips: Eating raw fish such as sashimi will protect the beneficial fats.
Omega 3: Herring, salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines are recommended sources of Omega 3
WHY? Isoflavones in soy beans have been linked to lowering cholesterol, increasing bone density in post-menopausal women and improving male fertility.
Reason: Soy-rich beans should be consumed two-three times a week to improve bone density
After 12 weeks it was noted that high-density lipoprotein (HDL), the good type of cholesterol, had increased by 3.7 per cent while total cholesterol had reduced by 5.5 per cent.
Levels of the protein osteocalcin also
increased in the blood, benefiting bone density.
Tip: They should be eaten twice or three times a week.
Soy can influence hormone levels and over- consumption is not recommended for pre-menopausal women without the advice of an endocrinologist.
In men, the isoflavones can have a mild effect on testosterone.
WHY? Tomatoes are an excellent source of the antioxidant lycopene. They offer a degree of protection against the formation and spread of cancer cells as well as protecting arteries from atherosclerosis.
Reason: Research has shown that drinking 150ml of tomato juice after 20 minutes of exercise offers protection against prostate, lung and stomach cancers and heart disease.

Essential: Food That Improves Our Eyesight

Did You Know That One Of The Best Ways To Improve Your Sight Is Through What You Eat ?? Here Are Foods Which Help Our Eyes.
If You Never Knew Then This Is Your Chance To Know And Also Know The Particular Foods You Should Start Eating Now!
These Are Some Of The Foods That Improves Your Sight.
Carrots Are Very Rich In Vitamin A Which Is Very Important For Good Vision Or Sight, So To Improve Your Vision Today , Start Eating A Lot Of Carrots.
Beef Contains Booster Zinc Which Helps To Get Enough Vitamin A From The Liver Which Helps Boost The Sense Of Sight.
The Yolk Of An Egg Contains Zinc, Zeaxanthin And Lutein Which Helps To Strengthen The Lens Of The Eye And Improves Vision.
Bilberries And Blackberries Contains
Anthocyanins Which Helps To Improve Vision.
Berries Also Help To Strengthen The Capillaries That Supplies Nutrients To The Eye.
Fishes Like Salmon , Mackerel , Tuna And Sardine Contains A Lot Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids Which Protect The Eyes From Macular Degeneration And Cataracts Which Hurts The Eye.
Green Vegetables Is Made Up Of Lutein And Zeaxanthin Which Helps To Prevent The Eyes From Macular Degeneration And Cataracts.
Tomatoes Are Made Up Of Vitamin C ,
Carotenoids And Lycopene Which Helps To Prevent Eye Disorders Caused By Light.
In General , To Improve Your Vision ,You Have To Eat Foods Containing Vitamin A&C , Zinc , Lutein , Zeaxanthin , Lycopene , Carotenoids And Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

Pimple Remedies: How To Have A Fresh And Glowing Skin With Raw Egg. - Detailed

This Is Very Useful To Tbthealth Readers Who Have Pimples, Acne Or Any Other Facial Disease.
Personally, I Don't Like Egg Scent, It Makes Me Irritated. Even When I Cook Egg, I Wash My Hands Thoroughly With Soap And Water, That's How Much I Hate The Odour But It's A Good Cure For Pimples. 
There Is One Proverb Like That That Talks About Those Who Want Solution Desperately Goes Through Desperate Measures To Get Solution. Same With This Case, People Who Have Pimples Are Always Shy And Embarrassed About The Formidable Facial Disease Won't Mind The Egg Odour Since They Want Fresh And Glowing Skin.
Well, This Egg Solution Might Help In Some Ways.
Wash Your Face. Wash Your Face With Warm To Hot Water. This Will Open Your Pores And Remove Any Dirt Or Oils Gathered During The Day.
Crack Open The Egg. Crack Open The Egg, And Separate The Yolk From The Egg Whites.
Get Rid Of The Yolk. Then, Stir The Egg Whites In A Bowl Until It Gets Frothy Or Bubbly.
Coat Your Face With The Egg Whites. Avoid Contact With Your Lips And Eyes. Make Sure The Entire Rest Of Your Face Is Covered With The Egg. Even If You Don't Have Acne In Some Areas Of The Face, The Egg Will Remove
Dead Skin And Help To Prevent Wrinkles.
Cover The Egg Whites On Your Face With Tissue Paper. Rip The Tissue Paper Into About Four Pieces. You May Need To Use More Than One Sheet Of Tissue Paper To Cover Your Entire Face.
Let It Dry. The Egg Whites Should Dry On Your Face In 10-20 Minutes.
Wash Your Face. Remove The Tissue Paper.
Once You Have Completely Removed All The Tissue Paper, Wash Your Face With Warm Water Again To Remove All The Left Over Egg White.
Repeat. Repeat The Process At Least Once A Week To Keep Your Skin Regular.
Source: Wikihow