Tuesday 25 August 2015

This is Why Vegan Diet Rocks

The vegan diet can bring stupendous benefits to your health. In recent times, with the increasing awareness on the health issues people are becoming increasingly concerned about their diet and lifestyle.
Reduces overweight
Meat & different dairy products contains excessive amount of saturated fats, but vegan diets are free of cholesterol. Most of the vegan diets contain a low amount of saturated overweight. By decreasing the amount of saturated fats in your every day meal you can improve your health enormously. Vegan diet reduces the risk of major diseases such as heart assault & cancer. In the event you are eating vegetables, make definite you are in taking sufficient proteins, calcium, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, iron, & zinc. Vegan diet also helps you in losing weight. According to a study vegan eaters have lower body mass index (BMI) than the non-vegans. more study found that those who ate vegan reduce weight significantly than those who ate meat products.

Many people & turning to a vegan diet as there's so plenty of health benefits associated the vegan diet. Following are the few benefits of adopting a more vegetable friendly diet.

Healthy skin
Vegan diet also benefits the skin. The balanced diet can keep your skin moisturized, wrinkle free & radiant. Plant-based diets are high in vitamins & antioxidants. These vitamins & antioxidants are the building blocks for radiant skin. Plant-based diet also contains the high amount of fibers. Vegetables like broccoli, beans, avocado, & spinach contains the high amount of fiber. This fiber helps in getting a healthier skin by flushing out toxins. Vitamin C & E are basically present in common vegan meals act as powerful antioxidants that control skin-damaging free radicals & combat wrinkles, scars, & brown spots, promoting healthy & glowing skin. You can also get vitamin E from plenty of nuts & seeds such as walnuts, almonds, ground flax seeds, & sunflower seeds.

Prevents diabetes
Vegan diet also prevents from type two diabetes. Diabetes can be controlled & improved by vegan eating patterns combined with some exercises. These food can reduce the necessity for medications. The regular use of legumes & whole grains or processed cereals can improve the glycemic control in diabetic as well as insulin-resistant individuals. The regular consumption of whole grains can reduce the risk of type two diabetes & cardiovascular diseases.

Healthy heart
The heart is the most important organ of the body. In order to keep a healthy body it is essential to keep a healthy heart. The plant-based diet has been shown to prevent a lot of illnesses. vegan diet is lovely for a healthy heart. The plant-based diets can reduce the risk of developing metabolic syndrome. This metabolic syndrome can put you at a higher risk for heart diseases. In the event you have metabolic syndrome this means you have at least out of serious heart health risk factors. These include hypertension, high blood sugar, low lovely cholesterol, & high triglycerides. According to a document published in 1999, it was found that the mortality from coronary heart disease is 24 % less in vegan eaters than the non-vegetarians. Another published document found that the risk of coronary heart disease is 32% less in vegetarians than the non-vegetarians. Vegan eaters usually have lower BMI.

Tips To Take Care Of The Skin Of New Born Babies

When children are born, they are exposed to all kinds of new factors that they didnt experience in the womb, like coldness, heat, clothes, chemicals, natural and artificial allergens and so on. The greatest discomfort children experience is through their skin, since a newborn babys skin is up to five times thinner than that of a grown up.Bathing

Therefore, babies’ skin requires that much more care and if they give it of our attention and nurturing in the first couple of months, it will be much simpler for the infant to adjust to the new surroundings. Here are a few basic tips on the way you can take care of your baby’s skin and keep it feeling nice.

Contrary to popular belief that children ought to be given a bath each night before bedtime, there is actually no require to fully bathe your infant over or times a week. They  don’t move around much like adults do, and they only get dirty around the mouth, the diaper area and skin folds, and these can be cleaned with a cotton cloth dipped in water only.

Infant skin will actually benefit from keeping its natural coat of oil on, so you can feel free to wash the infant less until they get bigger. You can use a infant sponge to wash them, always warm up the room before undressing them, use warm water, not hot, not chilled, check the temperature along with your elbow since your skin is more sensitive there.

Sanitary products

You  don’t require to detest the infant when you are bathing them, neat warm water will do. When your infant is bigger and their skin is thicker, you can use a light infant soap or shampoo, but it is better it they  don’t make bubbles. It is best to choose mild liquid cleanser, without soap, fragrance or color. Organic products are obtainable nowadays, in all categories, soaps, shampoo, infant cream, lotions, balms and talcum powders. Avoid petroleum based products at all costs.

It is of utmost importance that your baby’s skin is well hydrated at all times, so moisturize everytime you can. You can use natural oils like almond and olive oil and lotions based on these. Lotions are more likely to irritate the skin, so ointments and creams are preferred; they require to be fragrance-free and applied right after the bath. In colder weather a heavy moisturizing cream ought to be applied at least two times a day, the greasier the better.

Since kid skin is sensitive, they ought to only wear 100% cotton or other natural material as it is the softest on their bodies. This goes for anything children get in contact with, from every day clothes, sleeping clothes, warm clothes to towels & bedding. It is best that these are made of organic cotton, wool or flux, as well as organic wood for buttons for example than plastic.

Sun blocking

Fundamentally, kid clothes ought to not contain any artificial chemical colors, bleaches or materials. Kid clothes ought to be washed & dried separately from the parents clothes & other laundry. A dye- & perfume-free kid detergent ought to be used, while a fabric softener ought to be avoided altogether.

It is important to protect your babys skin from the exposure to the sun & ultra violet rays. This can be completed by basically never letting the kid be in direct sunlight, between 10am & 4pm. When taking the kid out in the daytime, always protect them with a hat & clothing that has long sleeves & pants, you may even have them wear kid sun shades with UV protection. If the kid is more youthful than 6 months, apply sunscreen only to the areas you cannot cover with clothes, but in the event that they are older, you can apply sunscreen all over their body. Make sure it is a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF at least 30 & reapply it every two hours if in daylight.

Most children will be spared from getting rashes & eczema in the event you follow these simple pieces of advice, they will enjoy their bath times & lotion times, as well as a massage since their skin is ultra sensitive to loving touch. So make sure you touch the kid gently & massage them a small each time you take their clothes of & while you moisturize their skin. They will love it!

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Don’t Ruin Your Liver with Harmful Habits (MUST READ)

In humans, the liver is very important because of the numerous functions it performs. Scientists say this vital organ, being one of the largest in humans, detoxifies the body by ridding it of harmful substances, while it also produces the biochemical substances that are necessary for proper digestion of food.
The presence of a healthy liver in the body is
what makes the blood what it is, experts say, as the liver produces the albumin – a major component of blood serum.
A General Practitioner, Dr. Daniel Ogunboyejo, says when a woman is pregnant, in the first three months, the liver is the main site of red blood cell production in the foetus. And even after the baby is born, this organ produces the hormone that plays an important role in the child’s growth and continues to aid the building up of organs and tissues in adults.
Ogunboyejo also notes that when a person’s blood pressure becomes low (hypotension), the liver, working in tandem with the kidneys, produces angiotensinogen – a hormone that is responsible for raising the blood pressure when activated by another enzyme (renin) that is released when the kidney senses low blood pressure.
Experts say the liver is thought to be responsible for up to 500 separate functions, usually in combination with other systems and organs. And that is why they conclude that this organ is necessary for survival, as there is no way to compensate for its absence in the body in the long term.
Scientists say the liver is basically the ‘body’s filter.’ The function of the liver is to process medications, alcohol, and other such chemicals and toxins and remove them from the body. “Therefore, anything you put into your body will, at some point and in some form, pass through the liver,” Ogunboyejo warns.
Liver destroyers
At a media briefing about Hepatitis C, a specialist in hepatology, gastroenterology and endoscopy, Dr. Aderemi Oluyemi, warns that numerous activities can jeopardise the liver, leading to damages that are sometimes irreversible unless the patient goes for liver transplantation – an extreme and expensive procedure that is not available in the country.
How can you damage your liver? These ways…
Abusing anabolic steroids
Many people, especially athletes, body builders and weight lifters, use anabolic steroids without supervision by a competent physician. Yet experts say these synthetic variants of the male sex hormone (testosterone), if used regularly and for a long period, can raise the risk of developing liver cancer as well as some other cancers.
It can also result in liver tumours; the liver may be enlarged, become deep red in colour and fragile.
“It may also lead to haemorrhagic cystic degeneration of the liver – a rare condition that requires urgent surgery,” Ogunboyejo notes.
Unguarded antibiotics, painkiller use
Many of the over-the-counter drugs that we use casually without consulting the doctor affect our liver the way we don’t imagine, Ogunboyejo says.
For instance, physicians say drugs used to treat epilepsy (anticonvulsants), cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins), acetaminophen (painkillers) and isotretinoin (used to treat severe acne) all have terrible effects on the liver.
Worse still, a study published in the journal Gastroenterology also shows that of all types of prescription drugs, antibiotics are the ones most likely to cause liver damage.
Ogunboyejo laments that in most cases, people don’t just take these drugs in isolation; rather, they may combine two at a time. For instance, it isn’t improbable for people to take a combination of antibiotics and paracetamol. “In which case, you increase your risks of liver damage exponentially,” the doctor warns.
The physician therefore counsels, “If you have recently finished a course of antibiotics, or if you have been taking them long-term, it is vital to ask your doctor for a liver function test to determine the health of your liver.”
Uncontrolled diabetes
According to Diabetologist/Medical Director, Rainbow Specialist Medical Centre, Lekki Phase 1, Dr. Afokoghene Isiavwe, people who are diabetic are more likely to develop liver damage than people with normal blood sugar level.
“More than people probably realise, diabetes has terrible effects on the liver. That is why I recommend that every diabetic has a blood test and ultrasound to check on the health of their liver annually,” she advises.
She adds that the closer you are to a healthy body weight, and the closer to normal your blood sugar level is, the better your liver’s health.
Impure water, alcohol use
What is the source of the water you drink? For the average Nigerian, we source our water from privately-owned wells or boreholes, which may not be bad enough if the wells are up to standard depth and the water sweet, odourless and colourless.
However, many people don’t know the ‘texture’ of their water, which may be hard or soft.
A study carried out by Scottish researchers show that those who drink ‘soft’ water and who also consume alcohol risk developing Alcoholic Liver Disease – a major killer.
Soft water is water which has relatively low concentration of calcium carbonate and other ions. It lathers with soap easily and contains few or no minerals such as calcium or magnesium ions.
The study author/liver transplant surgeon, Prof. Roger Williams, says those who drink soft water are exposed to the risk of liver damage because such waters contain lower levels of magnesium – the mineral that helps to protect the liver from the effects of alcohol.
But even on its own, Alcoholic Liver Disease occurs after years of heavy drinking, says a nutritionist, Dr. Tobi Lawrence. “Alcohol can cause inflammation in the liver; and over time, scarring and cirrhosis can occur. Cirrhosis is the final phase of alcoholic liver disease,” she counsels.
Lawrence notes that the longer the time you have been using alcohol, the higher your chances of getting liver disease go up.
“It is also based on the more alcohol you consume,” she warns; advising that even those who claim to be moderate drinkers can still have damaged liver if it’s a habit they persist in for a long period.
Smoking is harmful to virtually every organ in your body. Scientists say there are over 60 chemicals in cigarette smoke, all of which have the potential to affect and disturb all parts of the human anatomy. These chemicals prevent the liver from performing its main function by making it to age and become less efficient at removing toxins from the body.
Fatty foods
Lawrence says foods that are processed and contain lots of preservatives, fats and cholesterol can cause the liver to become clogged with fat residue. Avoid processed, deep fried or fatty foods such as sausage, bacon, corned beef, etc., to allow the liver to unblock itself and regenerate its cells.
Symptoms of liver damage
Symptoms of liver diseases include weakness and fatigue, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, and yellow discolouration of the skin (jaundice).

Saturday 8 August 2015

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

People can often have diabetes and be completely
unaware. The main reason for this is that the
symptoms, when seen on their own, seem harmless.
However, the earlier diabetes is diagnosed the
greater the chances are that serious complications,
which can result from having diabetes, can be
The most common symptoms of diabetes
Here is a list of the most common signs and
symptoms of diabetes:
Frequent urination
Have you been going to the bathroom to urinate
more often recently? Do you notice that you spend
most of the day going to the toilet? When there is
too much glucose (sugar) in your blood you will
urinate more often. If your insulin is ineffective,
or not there at all, your kidneys cannot filter the
glucose back into the blood. The kidneys will take
water from your blood in order to dilute the
glucose - which in turn fills up your bladder.
Disproportionate thirst
If you are urinating more than usual, you will need
to replace that lost liquid. You will be drinking
more than usual. Have you been drinking more than
usual lately?
Intense hunger
As the insulin in your blood is not working properly,
or is not there at all, and your cells are not
getting their energy, your body may react by
trying to find more energy - food. You will become
Weight gain
This might be the result of the above symptom
(intense hunger).
Unusual weight loss
This is more common among people with Diabetes
Type 1. As your body is not making insulin it will
seek out another energy source (the cells aren't
getting glucose). Muscle tissue and fat will be
broken down for energy. As Type 1 is of a more
sudden onset and Type 2 is much more gradual,
weight loss is more noticeable with Type 1.
Increased fatigue
If your insulin is not working properly, or is not
there at all, glucose will not be entering your cells
and providing them with energy. This will make you
feel tired and listless.
Irritability can be due to your lack of energy.
Blurred vision
This can be caused by tissue being pulled from your
eye lenses. This affects your eyes' ability to focus.
With proper treatment this can be treated. There
are severe cases where blindness or prolonged
vision problems can occur.
Cuts and bruises don't heal properly or quickly
Do you find cuts and bruises take a much longer
time than usual to heal? When there is more sugar
(glucose) in your body, its ability to heal can be
More skin and /or yeast infections
When there is more sugar in your body, its ability
to recover from infections is affected. Women with
diabetes find it especially difficult to recover from
bladder and vaginal infections.
Itchy skin
A feeling of itchiness on your skin is sometimes a
symptom of diabetes.
Gums are red and /or swollen - Gums pull away
from teeth
If your gums are tender, red and/or swollen this
could be a sign of diabetes. Your teeth could
become loose as the gums pull away from them.
Frequent gum disease /infection
As well as the previous gum symptoms, you may
experience more frequent gum disease and/or gum
Sexual dysfunction among men
If you are over 50 and experience frequent or
constant sexual dysfunction (erectile dysfunction),
it could be a symptom of diabetes.
Numbness or tingling , especially in your feet and
If there is too much sugar in your body your nerves
could become damaged, as could the tiny blood
vessels that feed those nerves. You may experience
tingling and/or numbness in your hands and feet.

Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Malaria

What Is Malaria?
Malaria is a life-threatening disease. It is usually
transmitted through the bite of an infected
Anopheles mosquito. Infected mosquitoes carry the
Plasmodium parasite. When this mosquito bites you,
the parasite is released into your bloodstream.

Once the parasites are inside your body, they
travel to the liver, where they mature. After
several days, the mature parasites enter the
bloodstream and begin to infect red blood cells.
Within 48 to 72 hours, the parasites inside the red
blood cells multiply, causing the infected cells to
burst open. The parasites continue to infect red
blood cells, resulting in symptoms that occur in
two-to-three-day cycles.

What Causes Malaria?
Malaria can occur if a mosquito infected with the
Plasmodium parasite bites you. In addition, an
infected mother can pass the disease to her baby
at birth. This is known as congenital malaria.
Because malaria is transmitted by blood, it can also
be transmitted through:
•an organ transplant
•a transfusion
•shared use of needles or syringes
What Are the Symptoms of
Symptoms of malaria typically develop within 10
days to four weeks following the infection. In some
patients, symptoms may not develop for several
months. Some malarial parasites can enter the
body but will be dormant for long periods of time.
Common symptoms of malaria include:
shaking chills that are moderate to severe
•high fever
•profuse sweating
•muscle pain
•bloody stools
•sore throat

How Is Malaria Treated?
Malaria is a life-threatening condition. Treatment
for the disease is typically provided in a hospital.
Your doctor will prescribe medications based on the
type of parasite that you have. In some instances,
the medication prescribed will not be effective.
Drug-resistant parasites have been reported.
These parasites make many drugs ineffective. If
this occurs, your doctor may need to change
medications or use more than one medication to
treat your condition.